BONNER Instrumentation Programme
These days, any interruption to production can carry profound implications, and the pressure on you and your team to uphold standards is immense. By integrating our programme as a key component within your wider Quality Management System, Engineering Schedule or Maintenance Plan, you can minimise risk and improve output. This enables you to preserve the welfare of your workforce and the integrity of your plant, meet quality and safety directives and deliver long-term cost reductions.
Six Stages of Programme
- Assess
- Analyse
- Recommend
- Implement
- Maintain
- Report
01 Assess
The first three stages of the programme closely mirror the steps involved in our Instrumentation Analysis service. Following an initial review meeting with you and your team, our Service Manager and appointed Lead Technician conduct a site visit. This information-gathering exercise involves a complete assessment of your current instrumentation and equipment, the processes and schedules that you have in place for calibration and maintenance, and the activity trends within your plant.
We study your existing calibration certificates, determine any site-specific safety provisions and thoroughly inspect each separate instrument. Our team then examines all aspects of your data loops, in-house schedules, process controls, statistical and installation data, P&IDs and performance histories.
Most importantly, we consult with you, and your staff on the ground, to gain a full understanding of your needs and to discuss any particular issues you may be experiencing.

02 Analyse
Once the site visit is concluded, we begin to critically analyse the data collected. The power of information lies in its application and the BONNER team extracts optimum value from the data acquired. This informs a robust risk analysis and all potential weaknesses are identified.
Your schedule is reviewed in detail to evaluate its overall balance and suitability for your specific site operations. Shutdown periods, production impacts and any specialised equipment needs are also ascertained.
A full instrument list is compiled and every item is then examined individually. We determine the acceptability and tolerance requirements of each instrument, ensure that the accurate parameter settings are assigned, establish the safety implications to be communicated and devise the appropriate calibration and maintenance schedules. The BONNER scoring system is applied to all instruments and areas of the plant using our instrumentation analysis software. This allows performance and functionality to be monitored on an ongoing basis. Solutions are developed to address any detected issues and all analysis is documented in an itemised report for each instrument.
Any concerns highlighted by you or your team during the assessment phase are also considered, and practical resolutions are constructed.
03 Recommend
All analysis findings are collated and incorporated into an implementation plan. This sets out the recommended calibration and maintenance procedures, methodologies and intervals. Building on years of experience, our team creates plans that minimise calibration frequency while maximising quality outputs. Any areas of risk are also explained to you and corrective actions to mitigate these are outlined.
In addition to procedures and schedules for calibration and maintenance, the implementation plan might also include suggested control system updates, replacements or additional equipment acquisition.
The implementation plan is presented to you for approval and, following any adjustments you might have, the final plan is agreed.