Energy Monitoring

We deliver a comprehensive solution that offers energy monitoring, either as a standalone or fully integrated system.

Energy Monitoring Systems

Energy management is a process of measuring, recording, and evaluating energy usage to ensure optimal support and continuous improvement. BONNER parovides a solution that offers energy monitoring, either as a standalone or fully integrated system, depending on your needs. 

Our energy moniotring systems can be easily integrated into existing automation solutions, and it is compliant with ISO 50001 and EN 16001 requirements. Additionally, working as part of an integrated process control platform, solutions can go beyond conventional energy monitoring tasks, resulting in a significant return on investment. 

The system is fully flexible and scalable, whether it contains a few measurement points or several thousand. 

You can monitor energy consumption by area and all different types of energy, including electrical, heating, and water, and you can define energy types as needed, making data reporting easy and generic.


Energy Types that can be monitored:


  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Steam
  • Compressed Air
  • Water
  • Thermal
  • Bio mass
  • Solar


Automation Case Studies