Delving into the Technical Excellence of ABB Ability BeerMaker with BONNER

Despite the name BeerMaker, the ABB Process Automation solution is aimed at all alcohol production. Here, we delve deeper into the features that align with the industry’s drive towards automation, efficiency, and precision.
🔹 Advanced Process Control (APC)
Harness the power of APC to facilitate real-time adjustments, ensuring optimal performance and consistency throughout the brewing process. The system utilises predictive models to anticipate variations, allowing for proactive adjustments that maintain the highest quality standards.
🔹 Energy-Efficient Motors and Drives
Discover the sustainable edge with ABB’s energy-efficient motors and drives. These components are designed to minimise energy consumption, thereby reducing operational costs and fostering a greener production environment.
🔹 Liquid Routing Control Library
Experience precision with the Liquid Routing Control Library, a feature that guarantees meticulous handling at every stage of the brewing process. This library facilitates seamless integration with existing systems, offering a streamlined approach to achieving superior product quality.
🔹 Customised Training and Support from BONNER
As ABB’s dedicated partner in Ireland, we are committed to empowering industry professionals with tailored training programmes. Our initiatives are designed to enhance your team’s proficiency with the ABB Ability BeerMaker, fostering a culture of excellence and innovation.
🔹 Connect with the Experts at BONNER
We invite you to engage in a technical dialogue with our team of experts. Let’s collaborate to explore the potential enhancements and customisations that can elevate your brewing operations to new heights.

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