testo Saveris 2
The Testo Saveris 2 data logger system makes temperature and humidity monitoring simple. Measurements are recorded by the Saveris 2 Wi-Fi data loggers and transmitted to the testo Cloud by wireless LAN.
Measurements can be seen any time on a Smartphone, tablet or PC and users can be notified immediately by email or text of any limit values that are exceeded.
Benefits include:
- Data securely stored – All data is stored securely on the Wi-Fi logger and in the testo Cloud.
- Automatic data transfer – Measurements are automatically transmitted to the testo Cloud.
- No software install required – You just need an internet connection, wireless LAN and a web browser.
- Dependable alarms – An instant email and/or text message lets you know when alarm limits have been exceeded.
- Flexible data access – See and assess data from wherever you are using a Smartphone, tablet or PC.
- Choice of probes – There’s an extensive list of probes to choose from for multiple solutions.

Pharmaceutical Storage – Temperature monitoring is required to make sure drugs are correctly stored to pass on optimal quality products to the customer. Temperatures that are too low or too high can damage goods and this passes on to consumer.
Server rooms – Extreme temperatures in a server room can cause down time affecting businesses to an excessive level. Therefore an automatic temperature monitoring system providing limit warnings and documentation is vital.
Facility management – The correct indoor temperature and humidity can affect offices making them uncomfortable and affecting productivity. You can take instant action if you are made aware of temperatures or humidity creeping up or down between set parameters.
Butchers – Fresh meats and other fresh produce can easily be ruined by the wrong temperature. Goods must be high quality to pass on to the consumer and there is a set temperature range required to ensure slaughtering and storage are all optimal conditions.
Supermarkets – Fresh food and goods can easily spoil at the wrong temperature or climate. To ensure high quality and safety, conditions need to be monitored constantly so that low quality or unsafe goods are not sold to consumers.
Museums – It is the duty of a museum to preserve rare, borrowed or valuable items. Exhibits can be highly sensitive to climate or temperature change. To prevent them from damage in a changeable environment, constant monitoring needs to take place and actions need to be taken depending on how many visitors or external factors are affecting humidity and temperature