Patrick Bonner appointed President of International Society of Automation

ISA – International Society of Automation has announced the re-election of Patrick Bonner, Managing Director of BONNER, as its Ireland Section President for the year 2024. This marks Patrick’s second consecutive term as the esteemed leader of the association in Ireland.

With a robust membership base of 200 professionals and organisations in Ireland and 14,000 worldwide, ISA plays a pivotal role in supporting and advocating for the automation sector in Ireland. As the leading voice in this industry, ISA provides a platform for knowledge exchange, professional development, and networking opportunities crucial for the advancement of automation technologies and practices.

Patrick brings a wealth of experience and expertise to his role as President of ISA Ireland Section. His leadership and dedication to the field have been instrumental in steering the association towards greater heights. Under his guidance, ISA has continued to thrive as a dynamic hub for innovation and collaboration within the automation community.

Reflecting on his re-election, Patrick expressed gratitude for the opportunity to serve another term as President of ISA. He stated, “It is an honour to continue leading ISA in its mission to empower and support professionals in the automation sector. I am committed to developing a culture of excellence, innovation, and inclusivity within our community, as we navigate the evolving landscape of automation technologies.”

As President, Patrick, MD of BONNER, will focus on expanding ISA’s reach across Ireland, developing strategic partnerships, and enhancing member engagement initiatives. His leadership will be pivotal in driving forward ISA’s agenda of promoting excellence and advancement in automation across Ireland.

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